“The most lucrative marketing strategy?"
"Yes." This is going to help me get more clients."
If that's what you're thinking now, I'm sorry. It won't.
Because you're already using it.
“Well, why hasn't it been profitable yet?”
Good question.
Because of one tiny mistake.
Which I'll show how to fix in today's article. Along with how to use the strategy so you can actually get a lot more sales.
So, let’s dive in.
How you and most other business owners market yourselves
Your business has one goal:
To make money.
And your marketing has only one goal as well:
To sell.
So, with that in mind, you launch an ad.
A couple of examples of what that might look like:
Beauty salon: “We'll do your nails." Costs X.”
Wedding planner: “We'll plan the wedding.” Costs Y.”
Lawn mowing: “We'll mow your lawn.” Costs Z.”
Once launched, you give it some time and run the ad for a couple of weeks.
Nothing wrong with that at all. Except…
You run the ad with the same copy. Same pictures. And the same offer.
Never ever changing a single detail.
For two weeks straight. (Or however long you run the ad.)
Which is a fatal error.
Let’s say the prospect sees your ad on day 1 but doesn't want to buy yet.
Which means he's in level 2 of the customer journey. (We'll cover that in a sec.)
What does he do?
He skips the ad.
And normally, that's fine. You've still got time to sell to him when he’s ready. (Level 5)
But in this case, it's not.
Because the exact same ad is in front of his face day after day. Like a ghost that's haunting him.
And after day 4 (or 5), he's had enough. And he tells himself to never buy from whoever made the ad.
And it's all because you made one mistake in the process. Which is…
Not understanding the customer journey.
So, let’s teach you what “the customer journey” is so you never lose out on sales again.
The customer journey
Understand that none of your prospects will just buy from you.
There's always a process they go through before buying, called the customer journey.
Here's the rough outline:
They become aware of a problem or need.
They decide to do something about it.
They look up possible options and solutions.
They pick an option and check out different suppliers.
They pick the supplier they want to buy from.
And then, only then, do they buy.
So, the exact mistake you made is:
You tried to sell in stage 3 of the customer journey.
When the prospect wants solutions, Not your product.
“Okay, but what should I do instead?”
Simple. Give your prospect what he wants.
Introducing retargeting, the most lucrative marketing strategy
Start by identifying your prospect's future needs and current problems.
And record 3–5 videos showing solutions to those problems.
Or showing them ways to get what they need.
Let’s take a beauty salon to demonstrate this:
First ad: video about getting rid of wrinkles
Second ad: video about 5 make-up products that make you look younger
Third ad: video about how to make your skin naturally softer
The next step is to retarget.
Present a fourth ad in which you sell your service to every person who engaged with either the first, second, or third ad.
Or all of them.
The consequence?
Wayyyyyyyyy more sales.
Because of the reciprocity effect.
The reciprocity effect: what it is and why it increases sales
And we’re going to roleplay to make this effect clear.
I’m a marketer. And you’re the business owner. And you’re selling a lawn mowing service.
(Your name’s John, btw.)
The scenario:
I have five friends who all need their lawns mowed. And I tell them, “Let John do it. "He's the best.”
So, they simultaneously come to you and ask to mow their lawn.
And you, of course, say yes. Then you ask, “Why are you all here at the same time?”
My friends say, “Jack referred us to you.”
After this conversation, you mow their lawns; they love your work.
So, now you’re thinking...
“5 extra customers in the pocket thanks to this Jack guy.”
Then, two weeks later, me and another guy come to you with the same offer:
Getting your business more clients.
Who do you think John will choose?
Me, of course. I’ve already added value to his life, so he'll want to return the favor.
Which is exactly what the reciprocity effect is.
And the cool part?
This happens in your business as well.
If you show your prospect three (or more) videos of you all helping them solve their problems, they will feel the need to return the favor.
So, when your fourth ad rolls around, they will want to pay you for your service.
The best,
If you want me to create an entire retargeting campaign tailored to your business, fill out the form here: