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Writer's pictureJack Hoelen

The 3 Elements Behind Every Highly Profitable Marketing Campaign (And How You Can Use Them To Turn Your Ads Into Money-Making Machines)

Good marketing consists of 3 elements. 

And you either... nail all three. Easily create ads that sell. Content people devour. And have a thriving business.


Mess up one (or more). Create marketing that fails. And end up totally screwed.

And if you feel like that last one describes you, keep reading. Because I'm about to show you why that is and how to start creating marketing that works and gets prospects to buy whatever you sell.

To do this, you have to first know the 3 elements.

 The 3 Elements of Good Marketing

Here they are:

  • A clear message 

One that cuts through the clutter. Is to the point. And stands out amongst all the other ads your audience gets bombarded with. 

  • A clearly defined target audience

Meaning, a clear understanding of who’s most likely going to buy what you sell. What those people think. Do. And want. 

  • A medium

The thing that gets the right message across to the right people. Usually social media.

Now, the reason you're not succeeding at ads right now is because one of these three elements is poorly executed.

And since you run ads, you've got the medium part dialed in. So, it's not that!

Meaning, you are either bad at defining your audience or creating clear messages. And I'll tell you exactly which one it is.



Here’s Why And How To Fix This So You Can Finally Start Making A TON of Money. 

Let’s start with why you are bad at defining your audience: 

If you’re running a local business, it’s pretty easy to determine your target audience. You simply have to sell to the people who need your service. And you know this.

You’ve already done it subconsciously. So, your problem isn’t that you don’t know your audience. It’s that you don’t know enough about them!

Why that matters and how to fix this:

Because the more you know, the more specific you can go. And the more specific you can go, the better results you’ll see.

For example, if you’re a hairdresser and you do some research into your general audience and figure out 21.3% of them want to go bald, then you can launch an ad saying...

“Got too much hair and want to shave it all off?”

Which is super specific. Thus, impactful. And thus, it will generate you clients.

Without research, you would have never been able to pull that off. Because you wouldn’t know 21.3% wanted to go bald.

So, do research. 

(Tip: YT comments are a great place for that.)

Let’s move on to part two.

Why you create vague messages:

And the second most common reason for this is not knowing enough about your audience. But we’ve covered that. So, we’ll move on to the most common reason:

Mindless writing. 

When most business owners write their ads, there’s no strategy. No goal. And no thinking involved. And that’s why the person who reads it doesn’t have a clue about what’s being said. And loses interest after just a few lines.


How to fix this:

By using your brain when you write.

Here are two questions to ask yourself to ensure you do:

  1. What does my audience want to hear?

You ask this beforehand. It prevents you from mindlessly writing. Because in your case, the answer is “I don’t know.” Which reminds you you need to do more research.

  1. Am I being confusing?

Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. And read your ad from start to finish with this question in your mind. If you never felt confused, you’ve got a clear ad. If you did, make the parts where you felt confused more clear.

Still reading? STOP. What are you waiting for? Go fix your ads. And get your business wayyyyyyyyyyy more clients.

Until the next article, 


P.S. Do you want to get more clients but don’t want to fix the ads yourself?

Perfect. Get in touch with me today. Fill out the form here:

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