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  • Writer's pictureJack Hoelen

Get More Clients for Your Business Fast Using the “Money Lens” Method


Once you're done reading this article and truly understand how the “money lens” method works…


Getting clients for your business will become EASY. And you'll be able to dramatically grow your business in just 12 days.


I guarantee it.




Let's dive in.

Let's start with a little thought experiment…


Imagine you were the only existing business in your field.


Then life would be easy, right?


People would have a problem they’d want fixed. And they’d all come to you for the solution…


And you'd end up making loads of money and running a highly profitable business. 


Which is probably what you want, right?

So, let me ask you a question:


“Do you think that's possible when you have to compete with other businesses? "In real life?” 


Or no?

Think about it for a second. And then come back for the answer:


The answer:



And to understand why, you need to know this:

All your competitors want to sell to the same people as you do. And those people will only choose one of you…


The one that looks the best.


So, it all comes down to marketing. 


And marketing is all about getting clients. So to answer my question...


Yes, if you are the best at getting clients.

No, if you are anything less than the best.


And now that you know that, it’s time for...


Yet another thought experiment


Take 5–10 seconds to figure out in which category you belong: yes or no.


And then read on.


I’ll wait. 








If you answered no, keep reading. 

(If yes, fuck off.)

Let's continue…

Your next step is to figure out a way to become the best at getting clients.


But how are you going to do that?


You're a business owner. You're busy doing sh*t. You don't have time for that.


Maybe, over time, you could learn it.

But be honest:


Are you seriously going to take 6 months to develop this skill?


I'll tell you:

Fuck. No. You want clients now. And with what I'm about to show you, you'll get them.


Time for the “money lens” method.


The “money lens” method


And for you to use this method effectively, you need to adopt these 2 mindsets…


One: the “fuck beating your competition.” mindset.


Business is all about profit. And if you're not making the most money, your competitor is.


So, when you go into business, you sort of instinctively know you have to beat the competition.


But according to the money lens method, that's the complete opposite of what you should do.

You should work with your competitors.

Not in a literal sense. But use them. Study them. Learn from them.


Your competition should be the source of your ideas.


Two: the “analyze, analyze, analyze” mindset.


Your brain is a superpower if you use it. But If you don't, it’s worthless.

And that’s exactly the reason why you are not good at getting clients. Because you’ve never used your brain to get good at marketing.


So, once you start analyzing how to get clients, you’ll see how powerful your brain truly is.


Now let’s combine these two together. Then this is what you get:

Money lens method = analyzing your competitor’s marketing.


And now that you know that… there’s only one thing you still need to know:

The “how tf do I actually do this?” part.

How to analyze your competitor’s marketing

And that part's easy. 

You have two options.


1. I'll show you how

2. I'll do it for you.


So, if you want to do it yourself, click this link.

If you don't, read on.


So, if you want me to do it, just fill out the form on my website.


I’ll get back to you. And I’ll tailor a marketing plan to your business based on my competitor's research.

Sounds good?

Here's the link:

The best,



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