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Writer's pictureJack Hoelen

Are you making this mistake when running Meta ads?

The mistake we’re going to talk about in today's article is one both my marketing professor and myself learned the hard way.

And since my story’s boring, I’ll just share my professor’s one.

Here’s how it started:

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, I ran an ad account for a real estate business. It was doing very well. We were spending over $1000/day using Google AdWords, and the ROAS was +/- 5. 

Meaning: for every $1 that was put in, we were making $5 back!”

Cool, right? He's getting his clients leads and making a bunch of money himself.

Now, let's take a look at the ending:

“My ad account got blocked because someone somewhere thought that the ads were ‘possibly misleading. And I ended up with zero leads.”

Sucks, right? He had a well-performing ad. And Facebook banned him.

And at first, my professor blamed Facebook for being so fucked up annoying that even a regular real estate ad gets flagged as misleading.

But once he analyzed what actually happened, he stopped doing that.

Why? Because he realized that the entire ad campaign got wrecked NOT because of Meta but because of HIMSELF…

And the one tactical mistake he made. Which is:


Depending on one thing. In this case, one ad.


If you depend on one thing, and something happens to that one thing, you’re done. FINISHED.

Now, it’s pretty clear that to avoid this mistake, you have to NOT depend on one ad. 

But how do you actually do that? 

How to make your ads bulletproof 

Well, you do that by always keeping the worst case scenario in mind. And preparing for it.

For example:

Got a Meta ad that’s bringing in clients? Cool. Nice. But it could get banned. So…

Let's create more Meta ads. And let’s also look at Google ads. Referral marketing. And whatever else you can think of.

That’s how to make your marketing bulletproof.

And while we’re on the topic…

You should also make your business bulletproof. 


By ruthlessly exterminating (yes, I’m exaggerating) all the “ones” in your business asap.

Got 1 employee? Hire two more.

Got 1 big client? Get two more smaller clients.

Got 1 customer? Get more customers with ads.

And yes, this will cost you time and effort. But it’s worth it.

Because eventually whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. And when that happens, you’ll be happy you prepared.

Until next time,


P.S. If you want to make your marketing bulletproof but don't want to do it yourself…

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